18 March, 2007

So, sometimes... rarely... I get out of the house to do something other than work. Last night was one of those times.
This incredibly artistic photo is titled, "I fucking suck at Trivial Pursuit 90's Edition."

I lived through the 90's yet, I sucked. If you asked me some random trivia about 1936, there's a good chance I would get it right. I absolutely PWN at the TCM Scene-It game. WHY AM I SO AWKWARD?!
Oh right, it makes it easier for the people I work with to accidentally forget about me when they make plans to have a great big Starbucks get together. I can't really blame them. I mean, if I knew someone like me, who constantly mooched money off of people, ate her weight in ice cream daily, lived in a box, and smelled like cheese, I'd forget about me, too.
It's because I'm ugly, isn't it?

Also, laser cat fiends for smokes.

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