20 March, 2007

Carol Burnett Pwn'd By Fox Exec.

This is probably the first and last time I will quote anything from FOX News and agree with it.
"'Family Guy,' like 'The Carol Burnett Show,' is famous for its pop culture parodies and satirical jabs at celebrities. We are surprised that Ms. Burnett, who has made a career of spoofing others on television, would go so far as to sue 'Family Guy' for a simple bit of comedy," said 20th Century Fox Television spokesman Chris Alexander."

So, Carol is suing FOX for doing the exact same thing that makes her famous. Let's ponder this for a moment. Sit back, relax, and let your mind go blank. Picture, if you will, a pot. Now, this pot has had a stunning revelation and is using his new MOTORAZR to call up his old friend, Kettle.

I think you know where I'm going with that story.

Also, 25 internets to me for getting my bitchitude jacket on while posting on the BroadwayWorld forum this morning.

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